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orbital maneuver中文是什么意思

用"orbital maneuver"造句"orbital maneuver"怎么读"orbital maneuver" in a sentence


  • 轨道机动


  • Design and simulation of satellite orbital maneuver model on stk
  • This paper mainly discuss the problem of method and policy of spacecraft ' s large scale orbital maneuver
  • Orbital maneuver is the primary condition for satellite autonomy , and it is the basis of phase keeping , phase maneuver and rendezvous
  • The dissertation presents a new method for orbital maneuver based on zero effort miss steering , and many problems in this method are studied
  • Unlike comet and asteroid orbital elements which can be reliably used for many months , satellite orbits are constantly changing due to both orbital maneuvering by the satellite and the effects of atmospheric drag
  • Finally , this paper tried to start a new research field that named as rendezvous area and space control body , by introducing these concept , visualization for large scale orbital maneuver was able to show directly
  • The basis of dynamics and simulation includes the iterative flyout angle algorithm to the solutions to lambert problem and battin ' s universal conic section state extrapolate method . then spacecraft ' s orbit roots , maneuver impulse and maneuver time are discussed as the following four part : first of all , the chaser ' s one orbit roots is selected as a variable to simulate its influence to the large scale orbital maneuver . the research reveals fact that the orbit roots both of chaser and target should be close to each other to achieve better maneuver and rendezvous " ability , moreover , the best orbit maneuver and rendezvous occurs when both chaser and target ' s initial phase angle are equal
用"orbital maneuver"造句  


In spaceflight, an orbital maneuver is the use of propulsion systems to change the orbit of a spacecraft.
orbital maneuver的中文翻译,orbital maneuver是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译orbital maneuver,orbital maneuver的中文意思,orbital maneuver的中文orbital maneuver in Chineseorbital maneuver的中文orbital maneuver怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。